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Palisade Square Newsletter
December newsletter is now available online! happy new year!
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Palisade Square Newsletter is now online!
Dear Fellow Neighbors,
We are excited to share with you that Palisade Square Newsletter now has its own website: palisadesquare.org. It is a website designed by and for the community members.
While it may not seem like much right now, there will be more to share and to reflect on. As a community, we are just getting started and we have a long and exciting journey together ahead of us. We are off to a great start: we share a great building in a unique location, families have space to call home and to grow into, new friendships are being forged, and lasting memories are being created.
We hope that this website and the newsletter would serve as a catalyst for building the community spirit among the unit owners and the building residents, and would help us create a shared identity as a desirable community in Jersey City Heights.